Sunday, May 28, 2006

High school teacher charged with giving wine to students. Probably not up for "Teacher of the Year".

A Triad teacher has been charged with providing alcohol to minors at a fundraiser.
Authorities said the incident occurred Friday at Relay For Life.

Kimberly James, 24, is accused of serving wine to two students. Deputies said she concealed the wine by putting it in a container so the students wouldn't get caught.

When one of the students got sick from drinking too much, the wine discovery was made, authorities told WXII 12's Angela Pellerano.

James was charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to investigators.

The students were 15 years old.

"I don't think any teacher should encourage that kind of behavior with any child," one parent said.

She was probably getting them liquored up so she could have sex with them. Just when did teachers start acting like like the perverted old man standing around the park in a raincoat?

I work with a number of wonderful teachers and these stories really frustrate them. I cannot fathom what is wrong with these individuals, but I know that the majority of our educators are amazing, committed people who place the childrens' needs first in every circumstance.

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