Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Iraq Prime Minister fed up with US soldiers "accidentally" killing civilians.

Iraq's prime minister said on Tuesday his patience was wearing thin with excuses from U.S. troops that they kill civilians by "mistake" and said he would launch an investigation into killings at Haditha last year.

"There is a limit to the acceptable excuses. Yes a mistake may happen but there is an acceptable limit to mistakes," Nuri al-Maliki told Reuters when asked about a U.S. investigation into the deaths of 24 Iraqis in the western town last November.

"We are worried about the increase in 'mistakes'. I am not saying that they are intentional. But it is worrying for us," he said in an interview in his offices in Baghdad.

He is not saying they are intentional but you know what he is thinking.

Our troops don't know who the enemy is and so they suspect everybody they see of being an enemy combatant. That makes the prospect of killing innocents incredibly likely.

The only way to keep this from happening is to get the troops out of Iraq. This is all moving in a fairly predictable direction, and the longer we prolong this the worse it will get.

1 comment:

  1. Having Hajji attack you 24x7x365 kinda makes you a bit paranoid and rightly so.

    It sucks when we shoot the wrong people but not all of the 'innocents' are so innocent and sometimes shit just happens.


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