Friday, May 12, 2006

The Taliban have regained control of Southern Afghanistan. You remember Afghanistan don't you? That was the country where the enemy actually lived.

"The Taliban and Al-Qaida are everywhere," a shopkeeper, Haji Saifullah, told the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry, as he strolled through Tirin Kot’s bazaar to talk to people. "It is all right in the city, but if you go outside the city, they are everywhere and the people have to support them. They have no choice."

The fact that U.S. troops are pulling out of southern Afghanistan in the coming months and handing matters over to NATO peacekeepers -- who have repeatedly said that they are not going to fight terrorists -- has given a boost to the insurgents and increased the fears of Afghans.

The next time you see President Bush standing up before a bunch of microphones talking about the war on terror ask yourself who is winning that war? Are we really safer? Are there more or less terrorists then when we started combat? Is it more or less likely that we will be attacked in this country? Just what has George Bush accomplished with his so called "War on Terror"?

You might want to take some medication before really thinking about the above questions.

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