Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Top British scientist decides that Creationists are just too stupid to reason with.

A leading British scientist said yesterday that he had given up trying to persuade creationists that Darwin's theory is correct after repeatedly being misrepresented and, he said, branded a liar.

"I don't engage with creationists directly," he said, saying that, when he had, they had frequently quoted him out of context or accused him of lying. "If somebody has decided to believe something - whatever the evidence - then there is nothing you can do about it."

The most important difference between evolutionists and creationists, Prof Jones concluded, is that scientists are always prepared to say, "I don't know".

"If there weren't any unknown parts of evolution, bits we don't understand, it wouldn't be a science," he said, "That's one thing that believers never say, because it's all written down in a big book."

I am not embarrassed to say I don't know something. For instance I don't know why Creationists are so fucking stupid! See? That did not bother me at all.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Love it! Right on the money. Amazing thing is that there are so many extremist christians in this country. For example, Fred Phelps! Check out www.godhatesamerica.com


  2. I wonder how many of the readers here have actually done thier own research into Creationism vs ID vs Darwin?

    Darwinism is as much as a religion as Chritisanity and requires *more* faith and self-delusion than the beleiving in the Bible does (Faith is binary -you do or you don't beleive).

    Darwinists have to make HUGE leaps to make everything work (the odds are against them and more and more genetic evidence is making Darwinnists look foolish.)

    There is another answer than what the Darwinists want you and everyone else to accept a priori

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I have had many personal discussions/debates with creationists and well as people who believe in ESP or UFOs. While they are hard to convince it is interesting to see or at least get a feel for how they think.

    For a better understanding of evolution see:


    For a better understanding creationists see:

    The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, Expanded Edition (Paperback)
    by Ronald L. Numbers



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