Saturday, May 13, 2006

Why Qwest communications may be the one of he best telephone service providers in the country. Here is a hint, they stand up to bullies.

Telecommunications giant Qwest refused to provide the government with access to telephone records of its 15 million customers after deciding the request violated privacy law, a lawyer for a former company executive said Friday. For a second day, the former National Security Agency director defended the spy agency's activities.

In a written statement, the attorney for former Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio said the government approached the company in the fall of 2001 seeking access to the phone records of Qwest customers, with neither a warrant nor approval from a special court established to handle surveillance matters.

"Mr. Nacchio concluded that these requests violated the privacy requirements of the Telecommunications Act," attorney Herbert J. Stern said from his Newark, N.J., office.

You know if we are stuck with George Bush for the next three years (Which I cannot quite wrap my brain around), their may be many other ways to keep him from taking our privacy from us while trying to keep us frightened.

We have in our hands the ultimate power in this country. The power of the consumer dollar! If we, enmasse, changed our telephone providers to one of the companies that did not cave to this administration's Mafia style pressure, we can absolutely make sure they don't have access to our records any time in the near future. How long do you think AT&T, Verizon, or Bellsouth will comply with this administration when they find themselves hemorrhaging customers? Not very fucking long!

If this Bush administration refuses to respect our rights, then let's take back our freedom. We have the power and it is time to start using it!

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