Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Al-Qaeda textbook demonstrates that George Bush has been manipulated by the enemy ever since 9-11. Our President is an idiot!

Al Qaeda's strategic vision involves challenging the United States and its allies overseas using small- to medium-scale attacks, according to an online book available on extremist websites that has become the seminal jihadi textbook. The first English translation of the text is being circulated this week among DOD and government policy circles.

Abu Bakr Naji, an al Qaeda insider and author of the book, "The Management of Savagery," believes that the 9/11 attacks accomplished what they needed to by forcing the U.S. to commit their military overseas. He says 9/11 forced the U.S. to fall into the "trap" of overextending their military and that "it began to become clear to the American administration that it was being drained."

"The focus is on mid- to small-range targets in the region and not go after big symbolic targets like the Twin Towers," says Will McCants, a fellow at the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, who translated the 268-page document.

While written in 2004, Naji was already inferring that the war in Iraq was shaping up to be exactly what al Qaeda wanted.

"Naji believes the way you really hurt empires is to make them commit their military far from their base of operations," according to McCants.

According to Naji, this strategy has two main benefits. First, there is the propaganda victory of forcing a superpower to challenge al Qaeda directly.

I think that many of us already knew that this was happening. But it is still very disconcerting to see it in print and know that Al-Qaeda has been pulling Bush's strings all along.

This man is such a fucking simpleton that he is a complete embarrassment to our country. It is very frustrating to know that the leaders of all the other countries get together and make fun of our moron in chief.

"Zat George Bush, he is you say.....retarded, is he not?" And then they all laugh and slap each other on the back.

We are the laughing stock of the world.

Our elections are crooked, our national debt is ten times larger then any other countries, our men and women are dying in a war started by deception, our reputation around the world is destroyed, and we cannot even respond effectively to a fucking hurricane!

And we just sit here! We just allow this to happen even with all of the evidence that the news media uncovers everyday. The Republicans turned our country against itself to get elected and now we are forced to stay on our side of the fence and throw stones at each other instead of making the choices that will bring integrity back to America.

So the Bush administration manipulates us and Al-Qaeda manipulates them, so I guess that means that our country is being led around by the nose by the same people who blew up the twin towers. How proud do you feel now?


  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    We are amazed at what has happened to your great country under the Bush administration and wonder where the spirit of the American people has gone.

    Why have you accepted this debacle for so long? Perhaps the shock of 9-11 created a numbness which permitted this insidious treachery to take hold, I don't know, but now the citizens of the United States must wake up and reclaim their country from these tyrants.

    Canadian Observer

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I hear ya! Unfortunately, there's only so much that we as Americans can do in this situation. I certainly DID NOT vote for Bush, and I don't think that he won the majority of the popular vote, but everything is speculation. I'm noticing that the mindset of the U.S. is becoming more and more conservative by the day. Everything is based on "Christian values". For example, just a few weeks ago, Congress held a session on proposing an ammendment that would ban gay marriage. WTF?!?!?! There are FAR more important things going on in the world, whether your for gay marriage or not! The Christian Science Monitor held a poll asking people if they would vote for or against a candidate based strictly on their view of gay marriage, and would you believe that almost 50% said that they WOULD!!! How retarded is that?!?!?! Who cares if we elect a leader who is a tyrant and wants to blow up the Middle East and claim it for his own and has single handedly not only made the USA one of the most HATED nations in the world, but put us back into a huge depression because of a monstrous deficit! As long as he's against gay marriage...well, then let's re-elect him!
    See why us liberals get so aggrevated? Pure stupidity and ignorance of many of the right-wingers.


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