Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Republicans amp up pressure on New York Times. These guys really hate it when you expose their illegal activity.

House Republican leaders are expected to introduce a resolution today condemning The New York Times for publishing a story last week that exposed government monitoring of banking records.

The resolution is expected to condemn the leak and publication of classified documents, said one Republican aide with knowledge of the impending legislation.

The resolution comes as Republicans from the president on down condemn media organizations for reporting on the secret government program that tracked financial records overseas through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), an international banking cooperative.

Doesn't this feel like an overeaction to a story about a program that was not really much of a secret anyhow? On the "Daily Show" last night Jon made the point that the program might actually be a good idea and that many Americans probably support it.

So then why are they so pissed? Could it be that there are other programs attached to this that Americans would not be so willing to support? These guys are so secretive that it makes you suspicious of everything that they do.

They are even trying to revoke the New York Times congressional press credentials.

“Under no circumstances would we revoke anyone’s credentials simply because a government official is unhappy with what that correspondent’s newspaper has written,” said Susan Milligan, a reporter for the Boston Globe, which is owned by the Times, who also serves the standing chairwoman of the Standing Committee of Correspondents. “The rules say nothing about the stories a newspaper chooses to pursue, or the reaction those stories provoke. The Times clearly meets our standards for credentials.”

Well I am glad that somebody is protecting our right to a free press in this country.

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