Friday, June 30, 2006

Today marks 50 years that Jerry Falwell has been spreading his small minded brand of hate camouflaged as Christianity. Jesus weeps.

"I was taught in Bible college, religion and politics don't mix," Falwell says.

He influenced many ministers to ignore that teaching in the 1970s. He led the Moral Majority, which made abortion a major issue, and claimed credit for electing President Ronald Reagan.

Falwell is the architect of the undue influence that religion has on today's politics. He can be blamed for the much of the religious prejudice that we find throughout America today.

While advocating religious freedom, Falwell has marginalized any religion which does not fit his narrow view of the "right" religion and punished churches who have not fallen in line with his narrow interpretation of the Bible.

He is most famous for his attacks on homosexuals.

"Jerry grinned and said to me, 'Thank God for these gay demonstrators. If I didn't have them, I'd have to invent them. They give me all the publicity I need.'"

Falwell acknowledges that his controversial remarks about homosexuality and other issues are designed to get attention.

Such a Christ-like figure isn't he?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Okay, I'm a Christian. I was raised Catholic. I am so angered by what the other "Christians" have done to this religion. Some of the most devout "Christians" *ahem, Jerry Falwell* *cough...George Bush* are the most deceitful and hateful people. Uhhh...okay, they apparently missed the boat here. It's disgusting how people hate in the name of God, yet turn around and think that they are oh so holy. If they truly understood what it was all about instead of having their heads stuck up their asses to meet their own needs, they'd realize that it is all about acceptance and peace. Because of people like this, and especially because of the bigotry and arrogance of the Catholic Church along with many other Christian Churches, I no longer consider myself Catholic. I am, however, a Christian, as I do believe in God and Christ, but my vision of God is quite different than what idiots like this portray! To this day, one of my favorite quotes: "God doesn't ruin religion, people do." Does that actually make me a part of any religion? Now that I think about it, I think not.


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