Saturday, July 01, 2006

That fish symbol on the back of your "holier then thou" neighbor's mini-van has nothing to do with Jesus, and everything to do with pagan sex.

Well before Christianity, the fish symbol was known as "the Great Mother," a pointed oval sign, the "vesica piscis" or Vessel of the Fish. "Fish" and "womb" were synonymous terms in ancient Greek,"delphos." Its link to fertility, birth, feminine sexuality and the natural force of women was acknowledged also by the Celts, as well as pagan cultures throughout northern Europe. Eleanor Gaddon traces a "Cult of the Fish Mother" as far back as the hunting and fishing people of the Danube River Basin in the sixth millennium B.C.E. Over fifty shrines have been found throughout the region which depict a fishlike deity, a female creature who "incorporates aspects of an egg, a fish and a woman which could have been a primeval creator or a mythical ancestress..." The "Great Goddess" was portrayed elsewhere with pendulous breasts, accentuated buttocks and a conspicuous vaginal orifice, the upright "vesica piscis" which Christians later adopted and rotated 90-degrees to serve as their symbol.

Christianity is really a patchwork religion, containing re-named holiday celebrations, re-worked pagan rituals, and stolen symbols of worship.

The real driving force of Christianity has never been its story, which is confusing and inconsistant, but rather the salemanship of its followers. Christianity has been so successful because the believers function like car salemen or Avon representatives.

There is a reason that Christianity and Capatalism fit so well together. They share the same basic philosophies. If you accept the fact that this product is the best possible product to own then you must make sure that everybody you know is aware of it and has one of their own.

Ka-Ching! The more you sell, the more you make. Whether it be money or points in heaven.

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