Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hey kids, come visit Dr. Dobson's new anti-gay website. They have both puppies and penguins! Ex-gay penguins!

Meet Alan Chambers, an ex-gay man.

Fifteen years ago, Alan was living as a homosexual. Then he decided to change. Today he's married to a woman and a father of two.

"I was told by people in the gay community that I couldn't change, that there was no hope for that," says Alan. "But the truth is, in my experience, that people can come out of homosexuality."

Look, I don't want to be mean here but does Mr. Chambers look straight to you?

You know I dressed up like Santa Claus once but that did not really make me a centuries old elf who lived at the North Pole and lived on stale cookies and milk.

And more to the point I pretended to be happily married for quite a long time until I wasn't anymore. We can fake anything for a while if we have to.

Dr. Dobson is a simple minded, superstitious, moron who should not be allowed to have anything to do with the molding of impressionable young minds.

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