Friday, July 21, 2006

Maybe Jesus and I do have something in common after all. You know besides that whole walking on water thing.

A Christian missionary group making the rounds at US adult entertainment conventions hands out Bibles with "Jesus loves porn stars" stamped on their covers.

Jesus loves porn stars just as much as he does pastors and soccer moms, XXXchurch contends.

The outreach team from XXXchurch, calling itself a "porn ministry," distributes paperback New Testaments with a gaudy purple-and-yellow cover reading: "Jesus loves porn stars."

Its website, billed as the number-one Christian porn site, includes downloadable Bible studies and an array of "prayer software," including "accountability programs" designed to help users resist pornographic temptation.

If Jesus loves porn stars so much then why are his people trying to stop them from getting paid? I mean if they are resisting porn then where are they spending their money? Online gambling?

I would love to be in this church siting next to a soccer mom when the minister issues forth with this word of wisdom: "Jesus loves pornographers as much as he loves pastors, soccer moms, liars, thieves and prostitutes."

And if I were her husband I would be like, "See honey, Jesus does not care if we film ourselves doing the nasty. He loves porn stars!"

I am sure these peoples hearts are in the right place.

I just have to wonder where their willies are?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Debate XXX Church. Then make comments. This organization knows what its talking about. Since when have you had any authority on thede matters? Think befor you talk Gryphen.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.