Saturday, July 01, 2006

Neither the new Iraqi government, nor the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, change a damn thing in Iraq as 66 people are killed in car bomb attack.

A parked car bomb exploded at a popular outdoor market Saturday in a Shiite slum in Baghdad, killing at least 66 people and wounding dozens, authorities said. It was the bloodiest attack to hit Iraq since the death of terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

The blast, which occurred around 10 a.m. when the Sadr City market was packed with shoppers, destroyed the stalls where food and clothes are peddled and sent up a plume of gray smoke. Flames shot out the windows of several scorched cars.

Ambulances rushed to the scene and carried the victims to hospitals, where men cradled crying babies as doctors bandaged them. Rasoul Zaboun, an official from the Imam Ali Hospital in Sadr City, said 66 people were killed and 87 wounded.

So much blood spilled, just washing the chance of peace away.

These animals will not stopp until they feel they have a voice. That will not happen as long as America is playing puppeteer to this new Iraqi government.

We are the source of all of this death.

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