Saturday, July 22, 2006

Note to Bush: The UN's guidelines describing sexual harrassment include neck massages.

When Bill Clinton served in the White House, this newspaper was offended by his personal weaknesses. One Editorial Board member wrote: "Bill Clinton has proved himself a liar, an adulterer, a cad, and a failed feminist. He is no candidate for boss of the year."

While we agreed with Clinton on policy, we thought, at least, George W. Bush's personal actions would, as he himself put it, "bring honor and dignity back to the White House."

That's why we were stunned when the president "greeted" the chancellor of Germany in a manner we consider inappropriate. The San Francisco Chronicle put it this way: "The scene, captured by a Russian TV camera, hit the Internet like a summer wildfire Tuesday, and it may be most memorable for the German chancellor's reaction. Bush applies his hands to (Angela) Merkel's shoulders and neck while she's speaking with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi; the chancellor hunches her shoulders, then throws her hands up to stop the unexpected massage with a wan smile -- and an expression that can best be translated as 'Ewwww.' "

The act was demeaning to the leader of another nation. It also demonstrates insensitive (if not out-of-bounds) workplace conduct. Since this was an international summit, we'll cite the United Nations' sexual harassment guidelines. "Unwelcome behavior is the critical word," the document says, followed by a listing of objectionable actions. About halfway down the list: "Neck massage."

You know I am not even going to bother to comment on this, I think it speaks for itself.

1 comment:

  1. Unwelcome????? He would have a broken hand if he had touched me- of course I am not a Chancellor...OMG...the shame of this SOB...


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