Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Since everybody hates America now, this group wants us to go country to country and show that we are not all arrogant, warmongering, assholes.

With anti-American sentiment at unprecedented levels around the world, Americans worried about their country's low standing are pushing a grassroots campaign to change foreign perceptions of the United States "one handshake at a time."

The idea is to turn millions of Americans into "citizen diplomats" who use personal meetings with foreigners to counter the ugly image of the United States shown in a series of international public opinion polls. They show widespread negative attitudes not only toward U.S. policies but also toward the American people and, increasingly, even American products.

So you are saying that this is bette then my plan to hide under my bed until everything blows over? Or blows up, whichever comes first.

So you might be saying to yourself that much of the world has always disliked America, true, except this time it is different:

"Anti-Americanism runs deeper and is qualitatively different than in the past, when it was largely attributable to unpopular U.S. policies," Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, says in a new book on the subject, "America Against the World."

Distaste for America runs so deep that, for example, at the recent World Cup in Germany the American team was the only one asked not to display its national flag on the team bus. In
South Korea, traditionally a U.S. ally, two-thirds of people under 30 said in a recent poll that if there were war between North Korea and the United States, they would side with North Korea.

You see this President has made it his goal as leader of the free world to destroy our reputation around the world, allow war to ravage the planet, and make the planet ready for the coming of the Anti-Christ. That is way different then Jimmy Carter, or anybody else's, foreign policy decisions.

This guy is fucking nuts!

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