Sunday, July 23, 2006

Who killed Iraqi weapons expert David Kelly. Get your tinfoil hats ready kids this is a doozy!

A judicial inquiry into the death of David Kelly in July 2003 concluded that the one-time UN weapons inspector and expert on Saddam Hussein's weapons programmes committed suicide.

He did so after he was named as the source of a BBC news report suggesting that
Tony Blair's government had "sexed up" intelligence in the run-up to the US and British invasion of Iraq four months earlier.

"Today, I challenge that conclusion," wrote Norman Baker, from the Liberal Democrats, in the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

"I do so on the basis that the medical evidence available simply cannot sustain it, that Dr Kelly's own behaviour and character argues against it and that there were serious shortcomings in the way the legal and investigative processes set up to consider his death were followed."

Points raised by Baker -- whose centre-left party opposed the Iraq war -- included the fact that Kelly supposedly cut his ulnary artery in his wrist, a more difficult and painful option that the radial artery.

In 2003, Baker said, Kelly was the only person recorded to have taken his or her own life in this

Oh now this is good stuff! It is all very CSI like now isn't it?

Who do you think might have killed him? The CIA or MI5?

I think it was us. I would not put it past George Bush and his cronies to have somebody silenced who was questioning their Iraqi intelligence.

I guess Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame got off easy didn't they?

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