Friday, September 01, 2006

Poll shows Americans tired of Iraq war.

Five years after the attacks of Sept. 11, fully one-third of Americans think the terrorists may be winning, the poll suggests. Worries fed by the war in Iraq have spilled over into the broader campaign against terrorists who directly target the U.S.

Half in the poll question whether the costs of the anti-terror campaign are too great, and even more admit that thought has crossed their mind.

More than 2,600 U.S. troops dead in Iraq, more than 270 dead in Afghanistan and roughly 20,000 wounded in both countries. More than $430 billion for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other costs overseas, and more than $250 billion for domestic security.

The AP-Ipsos telephone polling of about 1,000 people found:
  • Less than half, 46 percent, are confident that bin Laden will ever be caught — down from 67 percent in December 2003.
  • More than four in 10, 43 percent, say they’re embarrassed by the U.S. image overseas.

I feel your pain my friends and I am trying to do what little I can to help rectify the problem. It is only very little I know, but I am not alone, and neither are you.

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