Friday, September 01, 2006

The question that nobody is asking. Who told Richard Armitage that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent?

The above link goes to a Washington Post story that treats the Plame affair as a partisan witch hunt that is coming unraveled with the revelation that Richard Armitage was the original source for Robert Novak.

But there are still many questions left unanswered.

What about the Air Force One memo, from July 7 2003, that revealed to all aboard that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent and married to Joe Wilson?

What about the notes that Cheney made in the margins of Wilson's original article talking about his wife and whether it could be used against him?

No this thing is not dead yet and we certainly should not stand by and let it get swept under the rug. I don't know what Richard Armitage might gain by revealing Valerie Plame's job but it does not seem feasible to believe that he just let it slip during a casual conversation with a reporter.

Something smells wrong and it is not just the constant aroma of brimstone that follows Robert Novak everywhere he goes.

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