Thursday, October 19, 2006

Army admits they failed in Baghdad.

American and Iraqi efforts to improve security in Baghdad have failed to reduce bloodshed in the increasingly violent Iraqi capital, the senior US military spokesman in Iraq acknowledged on Thursday.

In an uncharacteristically gloomy admission, Major General William Caldwell said the recent surge in violence was “disheartening”. He said US and Iraqi forces would have to “refocus” security measures. The review was demanded by General George Casey, who commands the 140,000 US troops in Iraq.

You know my heart breaks for these guys. They were sent to this country under false pretenses. Then they were not given proper armor or instruction on how to deal with insurgents. And now they are discovering that everything that they have sacrificed is for nothing. There will be no victory and the country is almost completely destroyed. How that must weigh on the hearts of these brave men and women.

Bush has betrayed us all.

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