Friday, October 06, 2006

Closeted Gay Republicans were asked to keep tabs on Foley. How big is the Gay Republican closet? Is it like a walk in freezer or something?

The LA Times has outed Kirk Fordham today. He will not be the last closeted gay Republican outed by this scandal.

Today's NY Times has a chart that outlines the "key communications" in the House of Representatives about Mark Foley's inappropriate contact with pages. More than one of the names in the chart, which includes Kirk Fordham, are rumored to be closeted gay Republicans who have been working at the highest levels of the Republican leadership.

They have been looking at their names in print for the last couple of days and no doubt fearing for their futures in a Party that is in political free-fall.

Are ambitious closeted gay Republican officials, the most reliable people Speaker Hastert could have delegated the Foley problem to last year? Obviously not. Heat on a closeted gay Republican in the House is heat on all closeted gay Republicans in the House. The most innocent Foley emails were enough to worry the parents of the recipient. They were enough to worry the closeted gay Republicans too. But the closeted gay Republicans were perfectly positioned in the House to make the problem disappear.

Why would Hastert ask closeted gay Republicans to rein in Foley's pedophile tendencies?

Is it because Hastert, like so many other bigoted Republicans, assumes that gay folk will understand how to deal with a sexual predator? Is the thinking that since they are all sinful deviants then surely they must speak the same language?

What an asshole!

I could care less how many Republicans are secretly gay. I certainly don't want them outed until they are good and ready to come out themselves. Coming out is a very emotional and difficult decision that should never be rushed or undermined. I would hope however that these individuals would use their office to help and protect their fellow Americans who are dealing with prejudice and the small minded judgement of the unenlightened.

It must be a hell on earth to be a Republican, who happens to be homosexual, and have to support the party line of oppression and the denial of certain rights that are enjoyed by the rest of the population. I can only imagine what it must be like for that person to look in the mirror and see the enemy day after day.

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