Friday, October 06, 2006

Have you been abused, raped, or harrassed? Scared, angry, or looking for payback? Here's a handgun, feel better?

Legislation pending in Pennsylvania seeks to provide victims of domestic violence with a temporary emergency license to carry a firearm "to make sure that they're able to defend themselves," according to State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, sponsor of the bill.

However, a spokeswoman for a state domestic violence coalition called the measure "dangerous, absolutely dangerous."

Metcalfe (R-Butler) told Cybercast News Service that not only would this measure aid domestic violence victims in protecting themselves, but overall, it would decrease violence.

"Giving that person [the victim] the ability to protect themselves is going to ultimately be a great help to preventing violence," he said.

"Under House Bill 2946, any individual who can demonstrate evidence of imminent danger to themselves or a member of their family would be entitled to a temporary emergency license to carry a firearm after passing a computerized background check of criminal history, juvenile delinquency and mental health records," Metcalfe noted.

What the hell is wrong with this country? Why does every legislator think that the best solution to deter violence is to arm everybody? First they were talking about arming school teachers and now they want to provide weapons to people who are being traumatized. They might not have a history of mental illness before but any good psychiatrist will tell you that they are definitely not considered mentally stable now.

Here is some simple math for you Jethro:

more guns = more gun deaths

If you give these frightened, traumatized people guns they are most likely going to shoot the super of their building, or the postman, or me!

I might suggest a good burglar alarm, a big dog, or some self defense classes. No guns!

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