Sunday, October 08, 2006

Foley did manage to reel in at least one page.

A former House page says he had sex with then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) after receiving explicit e-mails in which the congressman described assessing the sexual orientation and physical attributes of underage pages but waiting until later to make direct advances.

The former page, who agreed to discuss his relationship with Foley with the Los Angeles Times on the condition that he not be identified, said his electronic correspondence with Foley began after he finished the respected Capitol Hill page program for high school juniors. His sexual encounter was in the fall of 2000, he said. At the time, he was 21 and a graduate of a rural Northeastern college.

The former page's account is consistent with Foley's assertion that he did not have sexual relations with minors, an issue that will be key to determining whether he committed crimes. The legal age of consent varies from state to state; in the District of Columbia, where the pages live in supervised dormitories, it is 16.

Yet the former page's exchanges with Foley offer a glimpse of possible predatory behavior by the congressman as he assessed male teenagers assigned as House errand-runners.

This raises a fascinating (and yes creepy) question. Does it fit the definition of pedophile to attempt to seduce young children into having sex with them later, when they have reached the age of consent? I mean besides the fact that it is clearly unethical to be using a position of power to influence young minds into considering a sexual liaison, should it be illegal?

I have heard of teachers that have used their influence on teenage girls to plant a seductive seed that they then reap when the child graduates from school. It may seem creepy, but whether or not it reaches the level of predator is somewaht difficult to determine. I mean the idea that somebody may develop feelings for their teacher is very common, and as recent news stories have shown teachers are sometimes attracted to their stuidents. Perhaps we should give a pass to those who at least wait until the youngsters reach the age of consent, and are no longer in the role of subordinate or pupil, before pursuing a romantic relationship.

But in the Foley case it is clear that he did not just happen to develop feelings for a page, he was using the page program as his own private fishing hole. He was grooming them for later conquest. And that is clearly an abuse of power and unethical.

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