Sunday, October 08, 2006

Pittsburgh protestors chase Jeb Bush into closet.

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush got a rude welcome to the city when he came across several anti-Republican protesters on his way to a fundraising event for U.S. Sen. Rick

Santorum.Authorities said Bush was briefly ushered into a supply closet at a subway station Friday, retreating with a security guard and a female aide to get away from the protesters. The picketers were marching to the exclusive Duquesne Club downtown where Santorum, R-Pa., was holding a fundraiser.

I think that we should chase all of the Bush's into a closet until we can get our country back from under their influence.

Do not think that I am condoning violence because I am not.

I just hope that we can corner these guys using their agendas against them and demonstrate how narrow their views are, and how out of step they are with what is in the best interests of this counry.

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