Friday, October 06, 2006

If kids are going to bring guns to school to shoot teachers, why can't teachers be able to return fire? I am going to go with because that is insane!

A state lawmaker, worried about a recent string of deadly school shootings, suggested arming teachers, principals and other school personnel as a safety measure and a deterrent.

So if the problem is that there are guns being brought to schools then the solution is to allow more guns into the schools? What does this fool do when he sees a fire burning? Does he run up to throw gasoline on it so that it will burn itself out faster? What a tool!

The director of school safety for Milwaukee Public Schools, Pete Pochowski, opposed the idea.

"Statistically, the safest place for a child to be is in school," Pochowski said. "We have problems in our schools, but not to the point where we need to arm our teachers and principals."

Ahhh! The voice of reason.

You know I work in a school and I would certainly never trust these people with firearms. Some of them look like they could crack any second.

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