Friday, October 06, 2006

More and more teens may be rejecting Evangelical teachings. This is what comes from letting these kids read those damn books!

Despite their packed megachurches, their political clout and their increasing visibility on the national stage, evangelical Christian leaders are warning one another that their teenagers are abandoning the faith in droves.

At an unusual series of leadership meetings in 44 cities this fall, more than 6,000 pastors are hearing dire forecasts from some of the biggest names in the conservative evangelical movement.

Their alarm has been stoked by a highly suspect claim that if current trends continue, only 4 percent of teenagers will be “Bible-believing Christians” as adults. That would be a sharp decline compared with 35 percent of the current generation of baby boomers, and before that, 65 percent of the World War II generation.

While some critics say the statistics are greatly exaggerated (one evangelical magazine for youth ministers dubbed it “the 4 percent panic attack”), there is widespread consensus among evangelical leaders that they risk losing their teenagers.

What a shame. The idea that these teens might actually accept the fact that the world is a big place with a variety of differing faiths and philosophies cannot be a good thing can it?

I mean how will these simple minded preachers ever manage to indoctrinate these kids into following their primitve religions if the kids have the ability to see it from an informed point of view? Everybody knows that more education creates more secularists.

I suspect that these evangelicals will just continue to stress the importance of home schooling their children and keeping them away from alternative points of view until they can be completely brainwashed and have lost all of their free will. Then they are guaranteed to continue the tradition of teaching their children that evolution is stupid, other religions are Satanic, and that gravity is only a rumor.

And what do you get from this? More Bush supporters!

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