Wednesday, October 18, 2006

North Carolina debate goes elementary school, as GOP candidate calls his opponent a "homo". Oooh classy!

Vernon Robinson, who has run a series of brash advertisements about the two-term Democratic congressman, charged that Miller wants to import homosexuals to the United States and supported scientific studies that would pay teenage girls to watch pornography.

"Those are San Francisco values, not North Carolina values," said Robinson, repeating a common theme of his campaign.

A bemused Miller countered by blasting Robinson for a campaign mailer that implicitly suggested the congressman was gay and criticized Miller for being "childless." Miller's wife had a hysterectomy more than two decades ago.

Wow this guy is some piece of work. I mean if you are going to play the "gay" card perhaps you should use it against somebody who is actually gay. And criticizing somebody for not having children after his wife's hysterectomy is probably going to cost a few female votes, don't you think?

But what was that part about teen girls getting paid to watch porn? Why should they get all of the good jobs? I just hate doing something for free that I could get paid for.

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