Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This must be that "Blame Game" that Republicans are always trying to avoid. You know, when it is directed at them.

The Bush administration, and it cronies, tried to lay the blame for the Nuclear build up in North Korea on Bill Clinton. That is quite a stretch of logic, not that logic ever slowed this crowd down.

However there are many willing to educate Bush as to who is really to blame. First we have George Soros, strident Bush critic and billionaire. We also have ex-President Jimmy Carter weighing in on the issue. Hillary's voice has also been heard defending her husband.

The fact is that both administrations have a share of the blame here. Under Clinton, North Korea was given nuclear technology after promising not to use it to make weapons. Oops.

But under Bush, North Korea has been frightened into believing that their survival depends on getting nuclear weapons. Bush was the one who placed them in the famous "axis of evil". Double fucking oops!

But the real question is what do we do now? Bush refuses to have bi-lateral talks with the country and the countries surrounding North Korea are not willing to play hardball. And so North Korea just continues to defy the world by building and testing nuclear weapons like crazy.
You know I may not be willing to lay the entire blame on either Bill Clinton or George Bush, but I certainly know who would be more capable of de-escalating the situation now. Clinton would have Kim Jong Il eating out of his hand in ten minutes.

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