Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Scientology made Representative Foley a pedophile. I know that is stupid but it makes as much sense as the alcoholism excuse. Or the gay one.

FLORIDA CONGRESSMAN ACCEPTS SCIENTOLOGY AWARDOn May 24, 2003, the "Clearwater Business Association" hosted a brunch in the Fort Harrison’s Ballroom, for Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R).

Also present at this event was "Republican State committee woman" Nancy Riley. Foley is featured on a Scientology web page promoting their anti-psychiatry front group C.C.H.R. ("Citizen's Comission on Human Rights"). The "Clearwater Business Association" (C.B.A.) appears to be primarily a way to bring politicians into the Scientology fold, by way of Scientologist Brett Miller (second from left in photo below). The primary affiliations of the C.BA.appear to be Scientology, W.I.S.E., and C.C.H.R., and not local businesses."

I just did not think that this Foley story was convoluted enough.

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