Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Foley's problems are not the result of alcohol, or the gay agenda. It is the result of Christianity. Now we are talking!

Former Rep. Mark Foley's attorney said Tuesday that his client was molested between the ages 13 and 15 by a clergyman.

Foley had represented the West Palm Beach district for 12 years and was seeking re-election until his sudden resignation last week after the disclosure of lurid online communications with teenage congressional pages.

"This is part of his recovery," Roth said, declining to identify the clergyman or the church.
Roth also announced for the first time that Foley is gay.

He insisted Foley never had sexual contact with a minor.

So Foley was molested by a Christian clergyman huh?

So if I use as my example the same kind of blame shifting that the Republicans have been engaging in I should not feel guilty for laying the fault for this vulgar activity at the feet of the Christians. After all it was one of their clergy who molested young Mark Foley and turned him into a predator.

Well, unlike the Republican smear merchants, I will not blame an organization, sexual orientation, or political group for Foley's problems. I tend to believe that individuals are responsible for their actions. This could have happened to an atheist, a Democrat, a heterosexual, a woman, or any other combination you could imagine. It just so happened that Foley is a gay Republican, and that means nothing. Nor does his religious belief have anything to do with this disease.

However it is important to understand that Mark Foley is a pedophile. According to the American Heritage Dictionary a pedophile is: An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.

So even if Mark Foley did not actually have sexual relations with any of these pages (and stay tuned for that), it is clear at least that he is sexually attracted to very young men.

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