Friday, October 20, 2006

They owe, they owe, so it is off to Iraq they DON'T go.

Thousands of U.S. troops are being barred from overseas duty because they are so deep in debt they are considered security risks, according to an Associated Press review of military records.

The number of troops held back has climbed dramatically in the past few years. And while they appear to represent a very small percentage of all U.S. military personnel, the increase is occurring at a time when the armed forces are stretched thin by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"We are seeing an alarming trend in degrading financial health," said Navy Capt. Mark D. Patton, commanding officer at San Diego's Naval Base Point Loma.

"We are seeing an alarming trend in degrading financial health". Gee ya think?

If the choice is to buy a bunch of cool stuff and run up your credit cards or go to Iraq and face constant danger and inhumane conditions, what would you choose?

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