Friday, October 20, 2006

Bill O'Reilly makes a terrorist threat against the internet. I am taking a page out of the Republican scare tactic handbook.

O’REILLY: I know for a fact that President Bush doesn’t know what’s going on in the Internet. I know that for a fact because I did ask around.

SABATO: Well, he’s lucky.


SABATO: He’s lucky.

O’REILLY: He is lucky, because these are hired guns. These are people hired — being paid very well to smear and try to destroy people. And that’s the difference, Dr. Schiller. That had never happened before. I’ll give you the last word.

BROWN POLITICAL SCIENTIST WENDY SCHILLER: Well, I think that one thing is for sure. The millions of voters that go to the polls in 2006 aren’t spending most of their working hours during the day reading blogs on the Internet. They’re working for a living. They’re taking those kids to school. They’re going on with their lives. So yes, there’s a lot of vitriol out there. It’s a marketplace of ideas. It’s a free country last time we all checked. And it still is. It’s a great country.

O’REILLY: All right.

SABATO: It’s free for that reason.

O’REILLY: I think - I have to say President Bush has a much healthier attitude toward this than I do. Because if I can get away with it, boy, I’d go in with a hand grenade.

I think that Bill has a fundamental misunderstanding as to how the internet works. You cannot really blow it up with a hand grenade. You could upload a virus to try and take it down I guess, and by "you" I mean somebody far smarter then Bill O'Reilly. So the hand grenade comment is an ignorant thing to say, which I am sure is no surprise to anybody who knows Mr. O'Reilly.

And by the way, who is getting paid to make liberal blog posts? I am doing something for free that I could get paid for again? I tell you that is the story of my life!

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