Monday, October 16, 2006

Things are so bad in America that citizens are seeking asylum in England.

A couple of years ago I met two black guys from the States who were over here because they thought they could get a better standard of living.

One was from Ohio and the other from Kansas. They claimed asylum because they said they were racially discriminated against at home.

But they freely admitted they were here for the free healthcare and accommodation. It is an absolute joke.

They could have been here for up to five years before their application was processed.
Last night the Home Office admitted five American nationals have claimed asylum this year alone.

These guys are pussies! If you don't like the way things are in America then get your ass back here and vote! We are going to take back our country and return its status as the greatest country on earth! And you guys are not invited to the party.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    We thought you would have taken back your country in 2004 so you can imagine our shock & dismay when the American people gave their love & support to that dismal failure called Bush.

    Hope you will pardon our skepticism about the intelligence of the US voters. Although we realize a sizeable number have finally caught on to the fact that they were duped, there are those who still think Bush can walk on water. So, we'll just wait and see and wish for the best.

  2. Well thanks for your support.

    By he way, everybody knows the 2004 election was stolen by the Diebold machines.


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