Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I have said this so often that I am worn out. So here let this reporter say it instead.

It's over.

American troops are still fighting and dying in Iraq and will be for months to come as we try to extricate ourselves from this mess, but it's over.

The U.S. Army may be planning ways to keep 140,000 troops in Iraq until at least 2010, but it's over. It's just over.

What we're doing in Iraq cannot be sustained, not militarily and not politically, and after the election a lot of people are going to start saying so. They'll say so if the Democrats take control of one or both chambers of Congress, and they'll say so if Republicans remain in control.

Because it's over, and everyone knows it.

I just cannot fathom how anybody in the world can have any other opinion about this war.

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