Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Today's "sexual molestation goes high tech" comes to you courtesy of our new favorite whipping boy Mark Foley. Now with creepy text messages.

Former Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page, according to new Internet instant messages provided to ABC News by former pages.

ABC News now has obtained 52 separate instant message exchanges, which former pages say were sent by Foley, using the screen name Maf54, to two different boys under the age of 18.

This message was dated April 2003, at approximately 7 p.m., according to the message time stamp.

Maf54: I miss you
Teen: ya me too
Maf54: we are still voting
Maf54: you miss me too

The exchange continues in which Foley and the teen both appear to describe having sexual orgasms.

Maf54: ok..i better go vote..did you know you would have this effect on me
Teen: lol I guessed
Teen: ya go vote…I don't want to keep you from doing our job
Maf54: can I have a good kiss goodnight
Teen: :-*

Eewww! Now I have to go take a shower!

So what have we learned here?

One: Foley must have been drinking while waiting to vote in the House of Representatives. (His lawyer stated that he was drunk when he engaged in these exchanges.)

Two: That Foley apparently masturbated before casting his vote to supply the troops with more money to fight the war in Iraq.

Three: That Foley both encouraged an underage teen to drink, and offered to supply the alcohol.

Four: That this is easily the creepiest story that I have ever felt the need to blog about. Seriously, I need to start talking about the Woodward book, or the INS report, or something because this is really grossing me out!

But then on the other hand it is absolutely fascinating.

At least when I was blogging about the Cheney schooting incident it made me smile the whole time. Not really smiling alot this time.

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