Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Want to know why the reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq is so slow? Prepare to be educated.

One Western contractor, employed to manage transport for a construction company moving materials to foreign troops in the south, said that he was dramatically reducing his operation.

“We’ve lost five staff and our guards have killed thirty-four people in the last month and we’re just a construction company,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“This isn’t reconstruction, not construction, not even combat construction: this is war.”

He said that even on the Kabul to Kandahar route he was having to employ 100 Afghan gunmen to protect his trucks, ready to fight through ambushing Taleb columns up to 150 men strong.

The above company is doing the transportation in Afghanistan, but many reports out of Iraq paint a similarly bleak picture.

This may be the real reason that the administration does not want to pull the troops out of either of these countries. These companies are being paid by American taxpayers and they are also heavy contributors to the Republican party. So essentially Bush and Co. are using these wars to launder money from taxpayers to give to their friends. Can there be any more evil administration in history? (I usually resist using the word evil, but it applies here.)

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen Iraq for Sale? I just got to see it and what an eye opener it is.


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