Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Page Scandal may be spreading to others. Now it is time for lawmakers to cover their asses, for a change.

Allegations of improper conduct toward teenage congressional assistants, which do not involve ex-Rep. Mark Foley, were discussed by the board overseeing the program, a Democratic lawmaker said.

Rep. Dale Kildee, the only Democrat on the House Page Board, would not elaborate on whether the discussion involved lawmakers. He said, however, that none of the allegations discussed have been proven.

Kildee testified Monday on the Foley matter before the congressional ethics committee as it continued to investigate Republican leaders' responses to the sex scandal that has marred the party's prospects just three weeks before nationwide elections.

Recent polls show the scandal has hurt the chances that President George W. Bush's Republican party will retain control over the Senate and the House of Representatives in the Nov. 7 elections. Democrats need to pick up 15 seats in the House of Representatives and six in the Senate. All 435 House seats and 33 of the 100 Senate seats are up for a vote.

I hate to be all selfish and everything but I certainly hope that this remains a Republican scandal. It would really muddy the waters if there are any Democrats being accused in this thing.

But I kind of doubt it since I am confident that if a Democarat had been accused of any impropriety Denny Hastert would have thrown them to the press way before this.

However if there are Democrats involved sexually with these children, through word or deed, they should be removed from office and investigated vigorously. Wrong is wrong regardless of political affiliation.

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