Sunday, November 19, 2006

Finally my dreams have been answered, there is an Immoral theme park in Peru. Anybody up for a roadtrip?

People in Huayre are bemused by the uproar. National rulers, they figure, have been squandering their riches for centuries, so what's the big deal if Mayor Wenceslao Alderete hoped to attract tourists by gracing the village's central plaza with outsized images of genitalia and of the maca root, a tuber traditionally consumed as an aphrodisiac?

It has always been my dream to go to an erotic theme park and go on some of the rides. I envisions rides like, Mammary Mountain, the Penis-Go-Round, the Twirling Titties, and of course the dance club the Voluptuous Vagina.( Where the whole place is dripping with moisture and everybody has to wear raincoats. You know to insure safe dancing. And every fifteen minutes the soundtrack plays the sound of a woman moaning and the sprinkler system comes on for a minute. You know you want to go.)

It really is just too bad it is in Peru. I am just not up for a trip to South America right now.

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