Monday, November 20, 2006

Pentagon introduces three new possible solutions in Iraq. Cut and run, send more troops we don't have, or stay longer and hope for the best.

A Pentagon panel has outlined three basic options for improving the situation in Iraq -- pull out, send more U.S. troops or reduce the size of the force but stay longer, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

The options have been dubbed "Go Home," "Go Big" and "Go Longer" by insiders.
Sources who have been briefed on the review, led by Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the group had concluded there were not enough U.S. forces to "Go Big," sending in thousands more troops, the Post said.

"Go Home," the quick pullout option, was rejected as likely to push Iraq directly into a full-blown civil war, the Post said.

The Pentagon group devised a hybrid plan, "Go Long," which calls for cutting the U.S. combat presence combined with a long-term expansion of the training and advising of Iraqi forces, the newspaper said.

So essentially we are all out of reasonable options. The only one that makes even a little sense to me is the "Go home" solution.

And the argument that John McCain is making that the terrorists will follow our troops home to our shores is completely ridiculous! If we left Iraq and they had to figure out how to deal with their civil war without our support, do you really think that they would have any interest in chasing us back to our shores when they have their own battles brewing at home? They would have to either divide the country, unite the country, or dissolve the country. They will not be able to give the United States a second thought for decades to come. I mean the Vietcong did not follow us home when we left Vietnam, now did they? It is an ignorant argument.

Staying in Iraq will not save that country. And it is time we all came to terms with that.

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