Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here comes Daddy!

As the war has gone badly and the years have ticked by—2003, 2004, 2005 and now much of 2006—the senior President Bush, the man who managed to capture just 37 percent of the vote in 1992, has grown in stature. Raising taxes and capping domestic spending in 1990, refusing to exceed the United Nations mandate after expelling Saddam from Kuwait, and deftly managing the end of the cold war and the reunification of Germany loom ever larger. Given the midterm reaction to the son's inattention to alliances and to the details of postwar Iraq, it is clear that many Americans are nostalgic for the skills and sensibility the first President Bush brought to the Oval Office—a reversal of historical fortune that has come, sadly for the father, at the expense of his son.

Man you have to know that this kind of talk must grate across George W's nerve endings like steel wool. If little George is not drinking yet, you know he is gazing at that bottle of Jack Daniels lovingly.

This is an interesting method for revising the way history views your lackluster presidency. Get the biggest screw up in your family elected to the office and wait for the favorable comparisons.

I mean Bush Sr. suffered by constantly being compared to Ronald Reagan. He was not as forceful of a personality, or a great speaker, or a terribly presidential looking individual. But compare him to his son and the man looks like the second coming of Christ!

History will throw George W. Bush's Presidency into the waste bin, but it will also pick Poppy Bush's up off the floor, dust it off, and place it on the mantle right alongside Reagan's and Eisenhower's. Thanks son.

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