Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bush reminds us all why we should never believe a thing he tells us.

Bush admitted Wednesday that he interviewed former CIA director Robert M. Gates over the weekend for Rumsfeld's job and said he intentionally misled reporters last week about the defense secretary's future to avoid making the Iraq war more of an issue in the election.


Once again, Bush proved himself unaware of the obvious and oblivious to the voter anger that sent Republicans packing. He blamed GOP losses on voter ignorance, saying Americans didn't understand the war in Iraq. He chastised political guru Karl Rove, saying "I obviously was working harder in the campaign than he was." He later would claim the line was a joke but it wasn't. Bush was clearly pissed at everyone involved in Tuesday's election debacle.

Everyone but himself.

This time the lie is disguised as a joke. But it fools nobody.

When asked about the outrageous claims he made about incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats during the election, saying they favored victory by terrorists, Bush dismissed his inflammatory rhetoric as "just politics."

"The election is over," Bush said. "It's time to move on."

So all of that talk about Democrats wanting to "cut and run" is a lie as well? Or is this supposed change of heart the real lie?

George will do or say anything to get what he wants. We have seen that all too many times in the past.

Well the jig is up George because the Democrats are going to be holding you accountable for every fib, lie, exaggeration, fabrication, falsehood, fable, or whopper you tell for the remainder of your pathetic presidency.

Have a delightful two years Georgie.

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