Monday, May 14, 2007

Another senior justice official announces his resignation. Gonzales, like Bush, is finding himself isolated.

Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty announced his resignation today, saying he is leaving the Justice Department later this summer to enter the private sector, officials said.

McNulty announced his plans to leave in a letter to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, citing the financial pressures of having children entering their college years, one official said.

McNulty acknowledged providing inaccurate information to Congress in February about the dismissals, but blamed the errors on inadequate preparation by others more deeply involved in the removals.

"It seems ironic that Paul McNulty who at least tried to level with the committee goes while Gonzales who stonewalled the committee is still in charge," said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has asked Gonzales to resign. "This administration owes us a lot better."

It is simple. Anybody with any integrity cannot stomach working for this administration for long, and they resign, leaving only the most immoral bottom feeders left to fawn at George Bush's feet.

Gonzales has played dumb in front of Congress twice and that is what his boss wants him to do. He is a loyal Bushie willing to sacrifice his reputation and perhaps even his soul to appease his master.

It is to Mr. McNulty's credit that he is trying to leave with some sense of decency. Now he should write a book.

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