Sunday, May 13, 2007

This crap just pisses me off!

The top-ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate on Sunday expressed frustration with the Iraqi government, saying Republicans were ``overwhelmingly disappointed'' with the lack of political progress.

"The Iraqi government is a huge disappointment,'' Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN'S Late Edition on Sunday.

"So far, they've not been able do anything they promised on the political side,'' the Kentucky Republican said, citing the Iraqis' failure to pass a new oil revenue bill, hold local elections and dismantle the former Baath Party of Saddam Hussein. ``It's a growing frustration.''

"Republicans overwhelmingly feel disappointed about the Iraqi government,'' he added.

This bullshit about the Iraqi politicians disappointing our government is one of my pet peeves.

Can you imagine what it must be like to have your country virtually destroyed, your leader thrown in jail and executed (It does not matter if you liked him or not), then the invaders tell you to create a system of government just like theirs but unfamiliar to you, and then have to live in a virtual fortress while being protected by these invaders because you own people want you dead?

And then if all of that is not enough you are told that you need to get your country under control so that these invaders can leave and you can try to run the country and survive without their support. How quickly would you be trying to take charge?

Look the facts are that a every one of these Iraqi politicians is dead the minute the Americans leave. They are not going to stay there once we pull up stakes. They are going to get the hell out of Dodge the minute they see the Americans packing their toothbrushes.

The idea that they are going to have a stable government that will survive after our troops leave is a fucking fairy tale. It is flat not going to happen!

When we leave there will be a huge clash of competing Islamic groups. There will be hundreds or maybe thousands killed. And then out of the ashes will arise a leader. He may be a secular leader or an Imam, but the one thing that can be counted on is that he will hate America's guts!

Will this country be a training ground for terrorists? Maybe. But probably not for very long. The big prize in Iraq is not the having of a place to train to bomb American businesses, it is having the oil, and the money, and the means to make the Americans and others treat you with respect. Once these guys get control of these resources they are no longer going to feel disenfranchised, they are going to be made men, and they are going to want a piece of the world economic pie.

They are not coming over here. But you can count on us not being welcome there for at least a generation. Iran, Syria, maybe even Saudi Arabia will have the influence. They will all be much stronger, and we will be much weaker.

And that is the legacy of George Bush.


  1. Gryphen, sharing this with you:

    Cracked me up.

  2. And I loved it as well!


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