Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Are we going to invade Yugoslavia now? Or the Poconos?

Six men from the former Yugoslavia were arrested on charges they plotted to attack the Fort Dix Army base and “kill as many soldiers as possible,” federal authorities said Tuesday.

The suspects were described as “Islamic radicals,” said U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman Greg Reinert.

Well if our recent response to terror attacks are any indication it looks like Yugoslavia is going to join the "axis + 1 of evil".

But if we are going to try and destroy the terrorists training camps then it looks like Pennsylvania has been offering support for our enemies as well.

Authorities believe the men trained in the Poconos for the attack and also conducted surveillance at other area military institutions, including Fort Monmouth, the official said. The official said that the men had lived in the United States for some time.

It seems like we have terrorist sympathizers everywhere!


  1. You can always tell when the Republicans are in trouble. There is suddenly a "terrorist threat"!
    What a pathetic bunch.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    >>Well if our recent response to terror attacks are any indication it looks like Yugoslavia is going to join the "axis + 1 of evil".<<

    I must inform you that there is NO more Yugoslavia, and if you were aware of that, I must ask you WHAT country were you refering exactly?

    The latest I heard was that - they are Albanian, born in former Yugoslavia.

    It's strange how some media tries to hide anything that could look bad for Albanian side, and put an accent for the same thing if it is about Serbian (or they THINK is about Serbian).

    Don't you think it's just another mean to gain ( and justify)
    independence for Kosovo?


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