Monday, May 07, 2007

Congress chases those missing Rove e-mails.

A House committee has sent a memo to federal agencies dictating how they should conduct a wide search for e-mails involving political appointees, White House adviser Karl Rove and other aides.

The memo from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform provides a nine-step guidance on how Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., wants bureaucrats to search six years' worth of e-mails.

"The search should include any e-mails received or sent by any covered agency official after January 20, 2001 and before April 12, 2007," says the two-page memo, a copy of which was obtained Monday by The Examiner.

Rove has proven an especially slippery character, I was almost positive that Patrick Fitzgerald was going to indict him during the Scooter Libby trial, but it never happened. And there have been other times when I was convinced that Rove's days were numbered but he just keeps hanging in there. I would love to see the Democrats corner the little bastard and finally put him out of our misery.

To be honest, after the President, Rove is my next choice to be indicted, impeached, or just simply arrested. I want him gone even before Cheney. Of course then I want Cheney to get taken out as well. I don't want much out of life do I?

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