Friday, May 11, 2007

The Daily Show shows just how much bullshit Bush sends our way.

I love how the Daily Show finds those old clips of Bush saying things that come in direct conflict with what he is saying now.

It must take his people hours, and hours to sift through all of that Bush speech footage to find what they need. And I would like to say to them that I really appreciate your hard work. Every one of you deserves a raise.


  1. OT but are you sure you don't have a use for religion?

  2. That is a put on. Isn't it?

    Actually I know some Christians I would like to flay to the bone, is that allowed?

  3. No, I don't believe it is a put on. Some of the comments on the site are really disturbing. I think most "religious" people have deeply seated sexual issues.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.