Friday, May 11, 2007

I am not buying this change of heart.

President Bush offered his first public concession to try to resolve the impasse over Iraq war spending today, as he confronted new pressure from his own party over the conflict and House approval of a plan that would provide money for combat operations only through midsummer.

“It makes sense to have benchmarks as a part of our discussion on how to go forward,” Mr. Bush said, even as he threatened to veto the House plan, which was approved on a vote of 221 to 205, to require him to seek approval in two months for the balance of the war money.

I call bullshit on this one.

I do not believe for one instant that President Head-Up Ass has really changed his mind one iota. He is playing a game for time and just trying to run out the clock until his presidency is over. He knows our next President will be Democrat and he, and his lying party members, want desperately to be able to blame the loss of this conflict on them.

I know that the conservatives would say that my attitude just shows that we liberals are never satisfied. We call for time lines, we get them, and we still complain. My answer to that is we are not getting anything, except the same old bullshit in a different container.

That relabeling crap works on the Republican base not on those of us with more then a few braincells to work with. We know a load of poo when we see it.

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