Monday, May 21, 2007

Here is the biggest story in my little corner of the world right now.

About two dozen fans of the zoo's African elephant, Maggie, gathered on a South Anchorage street corner Sunday to make a collective plea for the pachyderm:

Move Maggie -- and take action soon, rather than wait for a scheduled review in August. About two dozen people showed up for the rally, many toting homemade signs that had messages like "Tell the zoo to let her go," and "Stop watching Maggie die."
"We just need to zoo to say 'OK, we'll let her go,' " said Peggy McFarland, at Sunday morning's protest. "They'd be respected a lot more in this community if they'd agree to do that."

Maggie has collapsed twice in one week's time. She is being tested and so far nothing has been revealed as the cause. But many in our community believe that Maggie is simply lonely and sad, and in the wrong place to ensure her health.

I know that their are a lot of animal lovers who visit this site, so I know where you will come down on the Move Maggie debate. And I am predisposed to agree with you. It is time for her to go live in a warmer climate with other elephants to keep her company.

1 comment:

  1. "Critics questioned the elephant's health this past week after firefighters twice had to hoist her upright after she lay down and couldn't get up. Since she weighs about 8,000 pounds, being down that long can damage her internal organs."

    Remember that movie The Elephant Man? At the end, he laid down to sleep rather than sit up even though he knew lying down would kill him.

    I wonder if this is what is happening. Elephants are far more intelligent than most people realize and they are very social creatures. Sounds like the zoo is doing to the elephant what our government has done to Jose Padilla. Isolation inflicts permanent damage on social beings.

    Anyway, that's this animal lover's 2 cents worth.


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