Thursday, May 10, 2007

Putin kind of compares the United States to Nazi Germany. Ouch!

President Vladimir V. Putin seemed to obliquely compare the foreign policy of the United States to the Third Reich in a speech on Wednesday commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany.

The comments were the latest in a series of sharply worded Russian criticisms of the foreign policy of the United States — on Iraq, missile defense, NATO expansion and, more broadly, United States unilateralism in foreign affairs.

“We do not have the right to forget the causes of any war, which must be sought in the mistakes and errors of peacetime,” Mr. Putin said.

“Moreover, in our time, these threats are not diminishing,” he said. “They are only transforming, changing their appearance. In these new threats, as during the time of the Third Reich, are the same contempt for human life and the same claims of exceptionality and diktat in the world.”

You know I am not sure that Vladimir Putin has the moral authority to point his bony little finger at anybody these days (Are not many of his critics dying under suspicious circumstances?)

Still it is somewhat sobering to see that a country with such a long history of human rights violations feels free to compare us to such a horrible regime. And if the rest of the world do find that ironic then we do indeed have a very serious problem in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Look to Walter Schubart's Russia and Western Man and look at his definition of the Heroic Era to absolutely see the connection between Hitler and Bush in their rush to change the world to their vision. Presciently on the mark. Maybe we need to give Putin some slack. The world is being put to the test by whom? Bush or Putin?


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