Monday, June 18, 2007

As the country awaits the report from General Petraeus to see when the troops can start coming home, FOX News watchers already know.

US forces could be needed in Iraq for a decade to battle insurgents, the top coalition commander said Sunday while vowing a "forthright" review in September on whether a troop surge is working.

Speaking on Fox News, General David Petraeus said there was broad recognition in Washington that Iraq's daunting challenges would not be resolved "in a year or even two years."

"In fact, typically, I think historically, counter-insurgency operations have gone at least nine or 10 years," he said.

Everybody in the media acts as if there is this magic report coming about the surge in Iraq, that will finally reveal that we have failed and then our troops will start to come home. But those "journalists" are not paying attention, or they are White House propagandists who are just trying to keep the American people from discovering the truth about our plans until September when they will have a whole new line of bullshit to feed them.

We are not leaving as long as George Bush is in office. Period!

As long as there is oil in the ground of Iraq, our soldiers are going to remain there to help those private contractors get their hands on it. Essentially Bush has turned our military into indentured servants to the oil companies.

And let's not forget that Bush still believes that he is in charge of the Rapture. He has to soften the area for the return of Jesus.

Impeachment is how America gets its soldiers and integrity back, and that is the only way.

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