I had the hardest time watching this guy hem and haw his way through his defense of the surge and his blaming of the Iraqi government for the lack of progress in the area.
Such colossal bullshit!
The country is in flames, not because of the Iraqi government, but because we keep fanning the fucking flames!
Will there be a civil war after we leave? Yes, just like the civil war that is happening now.
Will there be thousands of Iraqis killed once we pull out? Yes, just like there are thousands of Iraqis being killed now.
Will it be worse? Probably, but it will come to an end once the Iraqis determine that they are going to have to somehow make things work to survive. Then they either allow a dictator to come to power or they will finally try that new "democracy" thing.
But whatever happens they are not going to want to allow America to touch their oil. And that is why this White House is not interested in giving the Iraqis their country back. Ever!
shhhh. don't tell Dana he has a twin....OMG- too funny...