Sunday, June 10, 2007

Osama Bin Laden is working at FOX News. I just knew it!

An Ohio man says he has located Osama bin Laden in the United States and wants to claim the U.S. government's $25 million reward.

Using an online person search built from phone directories and other public records, Thomas Potter of Olmsted Falls, Ohio, turned up three listings for "Usama bin Laden."

The first listing put the al Qaeda leader at the California headquarters of media giant FOX Entertainment Group.

The article goes on to talk about the other listings and how odd it is that Bin Laden's name turned up in such strange places. But that avoids the hysteria that I want to help propagate.

It is clear to me, and every other person who wants to take a small fact and build a giant conspiracy out of it, that FOX News has been working in collusion with Bin Laden all along! We now have refutable facts to support that outlandish contention.

Now I learned from the "less ethical then I" conservative bloggers not to allow the facts to derail a good slanderous story, so it is my contention that the White House hid Bin Laden at FOX News at the start of the war, since they knew that there were no real reporters there that might discover him. Then they pretended to chase him around Afghanistan while attempting to spread Christian democracy to the simple Afghan mountain folk.

But now that we have found Bin Laden we can simply ask him to tell his al-Qaeda operatives to stop sabotaging our troops success in Iraq so that we can bring them home, or else he will be written up by Roger Ailes and possibly suspended without pay from the FOX News organization.

I mean it time to play hardball with this rascal.

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